What if tomorrow hackers stop hacking your facebook account? What if they stop spying on your email account? What if they stop breaking in your online bank accounts? And instead start hacking your ideas, spying your thoughts and breaking in your mind…….
16th July, 2010.. Exactly 26 months before today, a movie was released worldwide, Inception. Directed by Chris Nolan and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, the movie was centered on a corporate spy, able to hack other people’s dreams and steal or plant an idea, which was called Inception, into their minds.
The movie went on to do a fabulous business, was enormously praised by critics worldwide and won 4 Oscars awards in 2011. After seeing the movie, one question surely comes to our mind and the question still hovers around the world: Is Inception possible?
From the very next day of movie release, many researchers around the globe took an keen interest to find if the theory forwarded by Chris Nolan be implemented in real life. One such idea was given by Craig Webb, Executive Director of Dreams Foundation. He confirms that Lucid dreaming and shared dreaming is possible. Lucid dreams allows the dreamer to be not just an unconscious actor, but instead in it, dreamer consciously guides the action to varying degrees during the dream, like becoming director and producer of their own night movie.
Another very important theory forwarded here is that the more we try to suppress our feelings or thoughts about something, the more it comes forward and occupies our mind. For instance, 10 minutes before sleeping, if I say to you to not think about your crush, chances are much more that you shall dream of him or her that day. In another words, our dreams can be dictated to some extent by a third person. Some people have even claimed to have learnt driving car in their dreams, by thinking about it before sleeping. And all it happens because our subconscious mind was registering all these events and the outcome came in our subconscious state i.e. our dream state.
So what is this subconscious that can steer our emotions, feelings and give them an altering direction, on which we exercise the least control. To understand this, think of your brain as a vault or a locker. You know the code of the locker, so you can open it whenever you like, store in it any information, ideas, whatever you like and access it whenever you need. But apart from this, there is one more vault called our subconscious. Nobody knows how big this vault is, where it is exactly located and this vault has no doors. So whether we are in a conscious or unconscious state, information keeps on storing in this vault. Even when we are asleep, our subconscious mind is not sleeping.
Don’t you feel sometimes that you have heard of a particular thing at some point of time, but you are not able to recall when and how. This is because it’s not you who heard the thing; it was your subconscious matter doing the job. And not only this, all our biggest secrets, biggest threats, biggest joys, biggest sorrows are all in our subconscious matter. They remain there and surface at some point or other, whether we like it or not… So we can say our subconscious is of damn importance to us, having large potential to do wonders and sometimes even more powerful than our conscious brain.
But here comes the other side of coin. Remember this subconscious vault has no doors in it? It means that any passerby can step inside it, ransack it, search for what he needs and walk away with the trophy he has earned. And believe me; our most sensitive, most emotional, most secretive and most explosive objects are piled up there. And what more, just as in inception, if a secret or idea can be stolen from there, an alien idea can be planted there as well. But now comes the million dollar question, how is it possible?
Though we are yet to come up with the cool devices used in the movie inception, we already have a technology which can do the job, brainwaves. And it is being set to be used by the great scientist, Stephen Hawking, to communicate to the world. As we know, Stephen Hawking is paralyzed and cannot speak. He uses a computer and sensor, sensing his cheek movements, and interpreting it in form of speech, available to the world. But with the help of brainwaves, the electrical impulses in his brain shall be decoded and given the form of speech.
And now, back to our subject, if brainwaves can decode brain activity, can’t it do the same for our subconscious part. Can’t it be used to share a dream between two or more people? It is a well known fact that our subconscious is most open at the time of sleep. So can a hacker use your brain’s electrical waves to break into your dreams and quite easily, gather all the information he needs? My answer is yes. If not today, then tomorrow, it is going to happen….
Our subconscious brain is a wonderful part of body. It can do wonders, but to our dismay, to others also. So my dear friends, tighten up your security, arm your subconscious with the most lethal weapons you can. Keep your totems ready because on a bright sunny day, Mr. Cobb is coming to steal you from your body. And who knows, in some part of the world, Inception is going on……