Sunday, 16 September 2012

Hackers are coming, this time for your dreams....

What if tomorrow hackers stop hacking your facebook account? What if they stop spying on your email account? What if they stop breaking in your online bank accounts? And instead start hacking your ideas, spying your thoughts and breaking in your mind…….

16th July, 2010.. Exactly 26 months before today, a movie was released worldwide, Inception. Directed by Chris Nolan and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, the movie was centered on a corporate spy, able to hack other people’s dreams and steal or plant an idea, which was called Inception, into their minds.
The movie went on to do a fabulous business, was enormously praised by critics worldwide and won 4 Oscars awards in 2011. After seeing the movie, one question surely comes to our mind and the question still hovers around the world: Is Inception possible?
From the very next day of movie release, many researchers around the globe took an keen interest to find if the theory forwarded by Chris Nolan be implemented in real life. One such idea was given by Craig Webb, Executive Director of Dreams Foundation. He confirms that Lucid dreaming and shared dreaming is possible. Lucid dreams allows the dreamer to be not just an unconscious actor, but instead in it, dreamer consciously guides the action to varying degrees during the dream, like becoming director and producer of their own night movie.

Another very important theory forwarded here is that the more we try to suppress our feelings or thoughts about something, the more it comes forward and occupies our mind. For instance, 10 minutes before sleeping, if I say to you to not think about your crush, chances are much more that you shall dream of him or her that day. In another words, our dreams can be dictated to some extent by a third person. Some people have even claimed to have learnt driving car in their dreams, by thinking about it before sleeping. And all it happens because our subconscious mind was registering all these events and the outcome came in our subconscious state i.e. our dream state.
So what is this subconscious that can steer our emotions, feelings and give them an altering direction, on which we exercise the least control. To understand this, think of your brain as a vault or a locker. You know the code of the locker, so you can open it whenever you like, store in it any information, ideas, whatever you like and access it whenever you need. But apart from this, there is one more vault called our subconscious. Nobody knows how big this vault is, where it is exactly located and this vault has no doors. So whether we are in a conscious or unconscious state, information keeps on storing in this vault. Even when we are asleep, our subconscious mind is not sleeping.
Don’t you feel sometimes that you have heard of a particular thing at some point of time, but you are not able to recall when and how. This is because it’s not you who heard the thing; it was your subconscious matter doing the job. And not only this, all our biggest secrets, biggest threats, biggest joys, biggest sorrows are all in our subconscious matter. They remain there and surface at some point or other, whether we like it or not… So we can say our subconscious is of damn importance to us, having large potential to do wonders and sometimes even more powerful than our conscious brain.
But here comes the other side of coin. Remember this subconscious vault has no doors in it? It means that any passerby can step inside it, ransack it, search for what he needs and walk away with the trophy he has earned. And believe me; our most sensitive, most emotional, most secretive and most explosive objects are piled up there. And what more, just as in inception, if a secret or idea can be stolen from there, an alien idea can be planted there as well. But now comes the million dollar question, how is it possible?
Though we are yet to come up with the cool devices used in the movie inception, we already have a technology which can do the job, brainwaves. And it is being set to be used by the great scientist, Stephen Hawking, to communicate to the world. As we know, Stephen Hawking is paralyzed and cannot speak. He uses a computer and sensor, sensing his cheek movements, and interpreting it in form of speech, available to the world. But with the help of brainwaves, the electrical impulses in his brain shall be decoded and given the form of speech.

And now, back to our subject, if brainwaves can decode brain activity, can’t it do the same for our subconscious part. Can’t it be used to share a dream between two or more people? It is a well known fact that our subconscious is most open at the time of sleep. So can a hacker use your brain’s electrical waves to break into your dreams and quite easily, gather all the information he needs? My answer is yes. If not today, then tomorrow, it is going to happen….
Our subconscious brain is a wonderful part of body. It can do wonders, but to our dismay, to others also. So my dear friends, tighten up your security, arm your subconscious with the most lethal weapons you can. Keep your totems ready because on a bright sunny day, Mr. Cobb is coming to steal you from your body. And who knows, in some part of the world, Inception is going on……

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Why Nathuram Godse killed Mahatma Gandhi? Was he a traitor, a fanatic?

Today, it’s 9th September, 2012. And my article goes some 64
years back. So we need to go back a little in time to see the day this article is based upon..

30th September, 1948
Place: Birla Ground, Delhi
Mahatma Gandhi, Father of the Nation is coming to address the prayer meeting at the Birla ground. Approximately, a gallery of three feet is left vacant for Gandhi ji to pass. He is supported by two girls and greeting people with folded hands,.
Suddenly, a man comes close to gandhi ji. He takes a step closer and bows before him. The girl supporting Gandhi ji says “Brother, Bapu is already late.” But, the man pushes the girl aside, takes out a .38 beretta semi-automatic pistol and fires 3 shots at stomach and chest of Gandhi ji.

Gandhi ji immediately falls back, whispering “hey Ram”(though it itself is a topic of debate). The crowd is stunned by this act. Nobody is moving from his or her place. The person who has just shot Mahatma Gandhi is standing still, waving to a policeman to arrest him. As the crowd recovers from what has occurred, pins the person to the ground and hands him over to police.
The man responsioble for assassination of Gandhi ji was Narayan Vinayak Godse. An F.I.R was filed against him by Shri Nand Lal Mehta. He was arrested, underwent a trial and was hanged at Ambala Jail on November 15, 1949.
                                   Place where Mahatma Gandhi was assasinated

Now, coming back, we have studied Nathuram Godse as a fanatic or a mentally unstable person. But a few questions are to be raised, a few of them still unanswered..
1.    Why Nathuram Godse killed Gandhi ji in public? Little known fact is he met Gandhi ji on 30th January morning, when he was alone accompanied only by Sardar Vallabhai Patel’s grand daughter. He could have killed him easily then and flee.
2.    Why he did not try to escape on killing Gandhi ji? And instead surrendered himself to the police?
3.    Why were the trial statements of Godse not made public for a long period of time?
4.    Had he been mentally unstable and fanatic, why he pushed aside the girl accompanying Gandhi ji out of the line of shoot, minimizing the danger to the girl’s life?
5.    The biggest question, why he killed Gandhi ji?

                                                                                        Nathuram Godse

Nathuram Godse was a well educated man, and had his own newspaper with the name “Agrani”. He was calm during his court trials and his statements were well composed, in which he never spoke ill of Ghandhi ji as a person. He was against casteism and attended several rallies and meetings to oppose the same. He also worked with Hindu refugees during partition. He saw the miserable plite of women, bleeding small children but never hurt even a single Muslim in India. Which clears the doubt of him being mentally unstable ora Hindu fanatic. Then why he had to take a drastic step of killing Gandhi ji..
Its roots can be traced back to 1947, the time during which country had to face the bitter wound of partition. And the people held responsible for this were Muslim league, headed by Jinnah and The Congress. And it’s a well known fact that Gandhi ji and Shri Jawahar Lal Nehru were the people having the most prominent influence over the Congress. Any decision of congress was influenced by Gandhi ji and it is hard to believe that hi did not have any involvement in the partition decision.
The final nail, however, was struck on 13th January,1948.

Pakistan had demanded a sum of 55 crores, a huge sum at that time for the newly formed state of India.Majority of congress leaders were opposed to give the money to Pakistan and central government turned down the demand. But Gandhi ji started a fast unto death, due to which, government had to sanction the sum to Pakistan. And on this date, Godse took the decision to kill Gandhi ji (it iwas described in the editorial of Agrani).
It is right that Gandhi ji had a leading role in the independence of India. But could the country have become free, solely on principles of non-violence, I don’t think so. In the words of Bhagat Singh”If the deaf are to hear, the sound has to be very large”. Due to being overshadowed by Gandhi ji’s policy, Subhash Chandra Bose had to work his plans outside from India. Had it not been the acts by Bhagat Singh, Chandra Shekhar Azad, S.C.Bose and many more, we might had to be in the claws of British for much more time.
                           People involved in Ghandi ji's assasination

I am not opposed to Gandhi ji as a person. He had served the country selflessely and is truly a great figure. But what I am opposing is his policies. Can causing self destruction through non-violence shake a non sensitive government of britishers? Is it right for a person to go against a decision, which is supported by a vast majority of people.
It is a little known fact that Pakistan had demanded a corridor from Pakistan to now Bangladesh via Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, over which, Indian government would exercise no control whatsoever. Which was rejected after Gandhi ji’s death. Had Gandhi ji supported this cause also, would the country be same as it is now?
Questions are many, but answers are lost. I am not saying what Nathuram Godse did was acceptable but may be it was the call of the hour. He was not a fanatic, mentally unstable person and definitely not a traitor by any means. He killed Gandhi ji in spite of knowing that he would become a nationwide disgrace and would be hanged. But he did it, because he loved India as much as you and I do and did not mind putting nation over a person, if the time asks to do so..


Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Reservation.. Where is it taking us??

The above conversation may seem to be a comic strip right now, but think a little. It is becoming a reality of today's India, the rising India..
Today, the news channels were overflowing with the news that the government has accepted to present the bill in its parliament session, according to which, the promotion in government sector jobs will also follow the reservation for scheduled castes employees.
Now whether the bill is passed or not, thats an all-together different prospect. But one thing is for sure. The country's future is doomed if the present situation goes on like this.
What kind of justice is that the person getting some 20000 rank in a qualifying exam is sitting with his head deep burried in his palms, helplessly watching a person with an added zero of 200000 rank get through. The star on the other person's shoulder, he was a SC quota person. Be it engineering, medical, law..
Everywhere, the situation is more or less same. First for getting into a better college, you face this. Then to get a government job, you face this. And now for promotion in your field, you again have to face this ghostly thing.

On one hand, you discourage casteisam. And on the other hand, you are putting caste above merit, talent, hard work and people themselves. I dont say I am opposed to encouraging the not so developed classes, but caste can never be criteria to decide a person's ability. I dont say dont help backward castes. But give them help in the form that it does not suppress other people,s rights. Give fee waivers to below poverty line students, provide them with books and materials, arrange up to the mark classes for them so that it boosts up knowledge in them. Who told you that they need reservation to achieve something in life, show them the path, destiny they will achieve.

Dont cripple them by providing them the walking sticks of reservation. Else no stick will be able to make our country stand tomorrow....